Illuppaikudi Viravar

Showing posts with label Sample. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sample. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Affidavit for Name (Also Known As)




I _________________________ alias _________________________ Son of _________________________aged about _____ years residing at _______________________________________________________ do hereby solemnly affirm & declare as follows:-

That I am citizen of India and my nationality is Indian by birth.

That my name is _________________________ alias _________________________ Son of _________________________ which is mentioned in Government & semi Government & my date of Birth is __________________.

That I am also known as _________________________ alias _________________________ Son of _________________________ amongst the friends and relatives and also same is mentioned in some documents. That my name, _________________________ alias _________________________ is the same person.

What is stated above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and behalf and I solemnly affirm the same to be true.

Solemnly affirmed at today ___ th May 2013

Place:- ______________________.

Date:- DD / MM /CCYY





Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sample: Out of Office / Vacation Notice


I will be on leave on <+Day>, <+Date>.
I will be on vacation from <+Day>, <+Date> to <+Day>, <+Date>.
Office is closed owing to <+Holiday Name> on <+Date>.
For any <+Project> queries kindly contact <+Colleaguge Name> and copying me in all emails. Any other production/urgent issues please sent an email to <+Group Email ID>.

For non-urgent queries or issues, I will respond to your emails on my return to office on <+Day>, <+Date>.

Please call me on my mobile +91-<> if you have any emergency issues/queries.

Thanks & Regards
<+Your Name>

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rent Deed / Lease Agreement

Rent Deed (Lease Agreement)

This Deed of lease executed at Chennai this DDst Month Year between Mr/Ms____________
w/o ________________________ flat owner, residing at Mr/Ms__________________ , herein after called the “LESSORS” and Mr/Ms __________________________________ _________________________________ __________herein after called the “LESSEE”.

The LESSORS hereby leases unto the Lessee for residential purpose the flat Address________ _________________________________________________________________________, to hold the same to the LESSEE with effect from DDst Month Year to DDst Month Year paying there a sum of Rs.##,###/= (Rupees _________________Only) per month towards monthly rent for the accommodation.

That the above rent includes house-tax and all other taxes payable to City Name Corporation or any other authority payable by the LESSOR.

The LESSEE agrees and covenants with the LESSOR as follows:

1. During the term of the lease pay the said monthly rent is to be paid on or before 05th of every month regularly.

2. The LESSE had deposited a sum of Rs.##,###/= (Rupees ___________________ Only) as advance deposit. This will be refunded without any interest to the Lessee on the expiry of this deed or vacation of the premises which ever occurs earlier.

3. That at the time of occupation, the LESSEE shall see that all sanitary, electrical and other fittings and fixtures are in perfect order and shall be responsible to restore them in the same conditions in which they have been take over, natural wear and tear expected.

4. That the LESSEE shall not make any structural additions or alternations. LESSEE will maintain the premises neat and tidy and handover the LESSOR when vacated in the same good condition as it is now. No extra Nails/Clamps should be driven on the walls/doors/windows/ventilators/etc without the written permission form the LESSOR.

5. That the LESSEE shall be liable to pay for the breakage, damage to the sanitary, electrical and other fittings and fixtures during the lease period. If any damage caused during the lease period is not borne, then the same amount will be recovered from the advance paid by the LESSEE at the time of vacation.

6. The LESSEE shall pay all the charges for water (CMWSB) and electricity (TNEB) consumed to the concerned authorities.

7. The flat maintenance charges etc., if any, will be borne by the LESSEE including any extra cost for water supply etc.

8. That the LESSEE shall not sublet the premises in whole or any part and at the time of vacating the premises will hand over vacant possession of the premises to the LESSOR or his authorized agent.

9. That the LESSEE shall allow the LESSOR or his authorized agent to enter the said premises at reasonable hours and after reasonable notice as and when necessary for inspection, repairs etc.

10. That during the currency of this Lease Agreement, the LESSEE shall have the right to vacate the premises by giving two month written notice. Similarly the LESSOR will have to inform two months in advance to the LESSOR for vacating the flat.

11. That the lease is for a period of 11(Eleven) months commencing from DDst Month Year. The LESSOR had the option to renew the lease for a further period of 11(Eleven) months with ##% increase in Rent, on the same terms and conditions as are contained herein. The LESSEE shall give vacant possession of the premises to the LESSOR in good tenantable condition after the expiry of the lease period (DDst Month Year) or, as the case may be, the extension thereof.

12. That all structural repairs will have to be done the LESSOR at his own cost.

In Witness whereof, the parties have set and subscribed their hand in the presence of the witness mentioned herein below:

Signed by the above named LESSEE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Signed by the above named LESSOR

Witness 1:

Witness 2:

Affidavit TCS Format

Step 1: Buy 20 Rupee Stamp Paper
Step 2: Fill the given below form and Print out
Step 3: Get it Sign by Notary

AFFIDAVIT OF Employee NameI, Employee Name, Son of Father Name, Hindu, aged about __ years, residing at Full Address do here by solemnly affirm and sincerely state as follows:

I state that there is no criminal case registered against me at any point of time and no such case has been pending against me anywhere in India or elsewhere. Similarly I have not been convicted for any criminal offence at any point of time.

What are stated above is true and correct and I have not suppressed any material fact.

Solemnly affirmed at City Name, }
On this the __th day of Month Year }
And signed his name in presence }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Signature of the Deponent

$$$$$ Notary - Red colour stamp & Signature $$$$$
@@@ Lawyer - Green colour stamp & Signature @@@